On 16.04.2010 01:10, Lawson English wrote:
Igor Stasenko wrote:
On 15 April 2010 23:02, Lawson English <lengli...@cox.net> wrote:
I tried to load Andreas Raab's ffi-based OpenGL packages into Pharo 1.0...

(Installer repository: 'http://source.squeak.org/FFI')
  install: 'FFI-Pools';
  install: 'FFI-Kernel';
  install: 'FFI-Tests'.

(Installer repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL')
  install: '3DTransform';
  install: 'OpenGL-Pools';
  install: 'OpenGL-Core'.

OpenGL example

I wasn't quite sure how to load them with Gofer so I did it manually with

However, when I "doIt" with 'OpenGL example'

I get the error:

MessageNotUnderstood: SystemDictionary>>platformName
OpenGL class>>new
OpenGL class>>newIn:
OpenGL example

No doubt its something totally trivial... Suggestions?

Select a #platformname selector with mouse , and then press alt-m to
see who implements that message.
Then try sending it from workspace until to make sure you found right
Then modify the source code in OpenGL class>>new accordingly.

Unfortunately lots of nested references to it, starting with Smalltalk platformName.

I can get as far as changing it to SmalltalkImage current platformName but things get strange after that...

Smalltalk platformName = 'Win32' ifTrue:[^OGLWin32 basicNew initialize].
   Smalltalk platformName = 'unix'
           [(Smalltalk windowSystemName = 'Quartz')
               "implicitly big endian"
               ifTrue: [^OGLUnixQuartz basicNew initialize].
               "default to X11 window system"
               Smalltalk isLittleEndian
                   ifTrue: [^OGLUnixX11LE basicNew initialize]
                   ifFalse: [^OGLUnixX11BE basicNew initialize]].
   Smalltalk platformName = 'Mac OS' ifTrue:[
       Smalltalk osVersion asNumber < 1000
           ifTrue: [^OGLMacOS9 basicNew initialize]
           ifFalse:[^OGLMacOSX basicNew initialize].
   ^self error:'Cannot identify platform'
Try replacing windowSystemName with (SmalltalkImage current getSystemAttribute: 1005).

1.0 (1.1 too, actually) does not include some of the abstraction methods introduced in Squeak, which OpenGL uses.


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