Yes in fact we do not really need the helpSystem for that since Setting offer 
all the necessary behavior.
But let us give a try.

the KEY POINT is
        use and improve tests
        => get executable and always in sync documentation
        => get better tests because if I know that my tests are used for 
documentation I will spend time on them.

On May 7, 2010, at 1:59 PM, laurent laffont wrote:

> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Torsten Bergmann <> wrote:
> >In addition to the story around tests,
> Could you be a little bit more specific what your wishes are
> for using tests within the help documentation?
> It's still not clear to me what you expect here.
> Hi Torsten,
> IIRC this idea came from a discussion I had with Stef. There's some tests 
> that show "how" to use the class it tests, that can make a good documentation 
> for free. For example (may not be the best):
> XMLParserTest>>testParsing
>       | xmlDocument root firstPerson numberOfPersons |
>       xmlDocument := XMLDOMParser parseDocumentFrom: self addressBookXML 
> readStream.
>       self assert: (xmlDocument isKindOf: XMLDocument).
>       root := xmlDocument root.
>       self assert: (root class == XMLElement).
>       "the tag has to be a symbol!"
>       self assert: (root firstTagNamed: 'person') isNil.
>       self assert: (root firstTagNamed: 'addressbook') isNil.
>       self assert: (root firstTagNamed: #addressbook) == root.
>       numberOfPersons := 0.
>       root tagsNamed: #person do: [:p | numberOfPersons := numberOfPersons + 
> 1].
>       self assert: numberOfPersons = 4.
>       firstPerson := root firstTagNamed: #person.
>       self assert: (firstPerson attributeAt: #'employee-number') = 'A0000'.
>       self assert: (firstPerson attributeAt: #'family-name') = 'Gates'.
>       self assert: (firstPerson attributeAt: #'first-name') = 'Bob'.
> Just reading it you know how to use XMLDOMParser. We don't need to add 
> comments to understand it. So the idea is to tag this test to tell that we 
> can learn from it. Then HelpSystem can built the documentation of XML-Parser 
> package just by collecting the tests.
> Laurent Laffont
> >Torsten do you think we could use to populate the 
> >help?
> Dont know how the pier books are implemented.
> Is it possible to access/parse the contents either on
> the server or directly online from a client image?
> If so then yes, as the following example demonstrates:
> |topic day url sub|
> topic := HelpTopic named: 'Last week on Squeak IRC'.
> 0 to: 7 do: [:index |
>        day := (Date today subtractDays: index) printFormat: #(3 2 1 $. 1 2 2).
>        url := '' , day.
>        sub := HelpTopic
>                        title: day contents: (HTTPLoader default 
> retrieveContentsFor: url) contents.
>        topic addSubtopic: sub.
> ].
> HelpBrowser openOn: topic
> Bye
> T.
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