On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor.gi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Could you detail a bit the requirements?

Hi Doru. Basically, you should be able to use the GoferProjectLoader actions
from a UI. In this link you can see all the actions:


Look where it says "Usage". I past here them just in case:

list Answers a collection with all available projects on configured
search: Answers a collection of projects matching the string
managed Answers a collection of currently managed project names
availableVersionsOf:Answers a collection of available versions of project.
WARNING: this command actually installs the configuration package if not
versionOf: Answer current version of project
attributesOf: Answer current attributes of project. The answer is a
Dictionary with following keys: Author, Timestamp, Description
repository: Adds a repository to current list of repositories, this
repostory works just for this instance of GoferProjectLoader
repository:username:password: Same to #repository:, but also adds user
rememberRepository: Adds a persistent repository to current list of
rememberRepository:username:password: Same to #rememberRepository:, but also
adds user identification
removeRepository: Removes a persistent repository
load: load a project
load:group: load latest stable version of project, just the selected groups.
A group can be a string (e.g. ’default’) or a collection of strings (e.g.
#(’Core’ ’Test’)
load:version: load a specified version of project
load:version:group: load a specified version and group(s) of project
update Updates all configuration files for managed projects, and answers a
list of new versions available for each project (if there is new versions)
update: Update the configuration for specified project
upgrade Upgrade all managed projects with new versions if any available. *Be
careful, this option can lead to a unusable image*
upgrade: Upgrade specified project with latest stable version if it is newer
than the version installed
upgrade:version: Upgrade specified project with specified version
upgrade:version:group: Upgrade specified project with specified version and

Of course, we can release a first version with the most important actions
and then a second or third with the rest.



> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 8 May 2010, at 16:53, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>  Hi folks. First of all let me clarify that all this email is though for
>> new comers.
>> I think Metacello is a wonderful project and that's why we are adopting it
>> in Pharo. I know Metacello has it's own UI:
>> http://code.google.com/p/metacello/wiki/MetacelloTools
>> I also know there is Metaceller done by Doru.
>> But I think that the features Esteban Lorenzano implemented in
>>  GoferProjectLoader are a MUST for a new comer. You can read them here:
>> http://www.smallworks.com.ar/en/community/GoferProjectLoader
>> Now...he doesn't plan to do a UI for that. My question if it would be a
>> good idea to "extend" Metaceller or Metacello-OB so that to uses
>> GoferProjectLoader features. Not necessary for Metacello 1.0 but maybe for
>> 1.1. I think this is important, at least for Pharo. We don't have Universe
>> neither SqueakMap anymore.
>> Cheers
>> Mariano
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "The coherence of a trip is given by the clearness of the goal."
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