On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 9:53 PM, laurent laffont

>> VMMaker class>>updateFromServer should now load FT2Plugin from the new
>> FreetypePlugin repository. A similar update will be needed for
>> ConfigurationOfVMMaker for Pharo.
> Done  (version 1.4). All Pharo-1.0 tests green with last squeakvm revision.
Hi Laurent. Thank you very much for tacking care. Now I was thinking: the
ONLY way to correclty be able to reproduce a VM version we need not only the
VMMaker side but also SVN. If 6 months from today, I try to load version 1.4
with trunk, it won't work. I need to downloa an spceific SVN revision, as
you write it in the commit comment. However, I was thinking that it would be
great to put such information in the description: of Metacello. Not even the
version (as the repo can change) but also the whole command. Not necesary
while a verison is in #development but yes when it is realed. So, suppose I
release 1.4 I can write:

version14: spec
    <version: '1.4' imports: #('1.4-baseline') >

    spec for: #common do: [
        spec blessing: #development.
        spec description: '- Changed repository of TrueType
                               - etc.....
                                Works with svn co
http://squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/trunk/platforms/ -r 2203'.
            package: 'FFI-Pools' with: 'FFI-Pools-ar.1';
            package: 'SharedPool-Speech' with: 'SharedPool-Speech-dtl.2';
            package: 'VMMaker' with: 'VMMaker-dtl.170';
            package: 'MemoryAccess' with: 'MemoryAccess-dtl.3';
            package: 'SlangBrowser' with: 'SlangBrowser-dtl.3';
            package: 'VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin' with:
            package: 'VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin' with:
            package: 'VMConstruction-Plugins-XDisplayControlPlugin' with:
            package: 'Balloon3D-Constants' with:
            package: 'Balloon3D-Plugins' with: 'Balloon3D-Plugins-bf.5';

            package: 'Freetype-Plugin' with: 'Freetype-Plugin-dtl.56';
            package: 'FreeType' with: 'FreeType-tween.435'.

    spec for: #pharo do: [
        spec blessing: #development.
            package: 'Alien-VMMaker-Support' with:
'Alien-VMMaker-Support-John M McIntosh.8';
            package: 'Alien-VMMaker-Plugins' with:
'Alien-VMMaker-Plugins-John M McIntosh.8';
            package: 'Sound' with: 'Sound-StephaneDucasse.47'.

Of course, this is just an example...

what do you think ? I hope this will increase traceability between Smalltalk
code and svn.



> Laurent Laffont
> http://pharocasts.blogspot.com/
> http://magaloma.blogspot.com/
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