Le 11/05/2010 15:22, Alain Plantec a écrit :
Le 11/05/2010 14:13, Mariano Martinez Peck a écrit :

But maybe the default value in the "PharoCore" is not the same as PharoDev? I mean, suppose these are the default prefrences we used in the pharo dev image
ok, there is only one default.
For this need, you should have to create a setting style for pharodev and load it.
I've re-thougth about this and maybe building a style class and let it in the dev image is a bad solution because then, the style class depends on all other packages. This is exactly what we wanted to avoid by
introducing the settings.
So, maybe the default state for the preferences in the dev should be the one of the core
plus the state decided by maintainers for additional packages.


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