Automatic might be contingent on using the correct browser?? I have never found 
the MC browser to be particularly deterministic, but it *does* work once one 
plays by the rules:

(1) a class category/package name is case sensitive.
(2) method categories, (ab)used to package loose methods, begin with *, and are 
(3) when in doubt, delete the working copy and create another package
(4) completely ignore the above, as I have no idea what I am talking about

Ok, (4) is over-stating the situation, but I gladly yield to those knowing more 
about it.  FWIW, I have completely given up on expecting packages to appear in 
the MC browser unless I explicitly create them.


[] On Behalf Of Andrei 
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 11:31 AM
Subject: [Pharo-project] Packages management

I am a little confused reading Pharo by example...
>From what I understand we can create a package in the Class Browser and this 
>package will automatically appear in the Monticello Browser.
In the tutorial they ask you to create a package (with the same name 
PBE-LightsOut) in the Monticello Browser.
I guess they do it on the assumption that you've just "filed in" the *.st files 
with the LOGame so Monticello will figure out that those imported classes were 
unpackaged and put them in the package (I assume) based on the category 
specified in the class definitions (correct me if I am wrong).

What's the scenario when we need to create a package from Monticello (I think 
most of the time we do it from class browser or import a new repository which 
will create package names automatically)?
Can the name of the package created in Monticello collide with the existing 
package or it'll be merged with the existing package based on the category?

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