Oh, I forgot,* Compiler>>compiledMethodFor: textOrStream in: aContext to:
receiver notifying: aRequestor ifFail: failBlock logged: logFlag* has no

Was that replaced by* Compiler>>evaluate: textOrStream in: aContext to:
receiver notifying: aRequestor ifFail: failBlock logged: logFlag *?

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 3:52 AM, Carla F. Griggio

> Hi everybody!
> Well, maybe you are already aware of this... maybe not. I tried to find an
> issue about this and unless I didn't think of the right keywords, it's not
> there.
> I was debugging a template method and sudenly I found myself spending ours
> trying to find out why I got different results when printing the result of a
> message sent to super and when steping into that message and printing the
> (same) result there.
> Imagine this simple situation (I attatch the complete code and some tests
> so you can reproduce this):
> AverageTotalization inherits from Totalization.
> WeightedAverageTotalization inherits from AverageTotalization.
> Totalization>>total
>  ^self summatory
> AverageTotalization>>total
>         ^*(**super total)* / self denominator
> AverageTotalization>> denominator
>         ^values size
> WeightedAverageTotalization>> denominator
> "Weights is a dictionary"
>  ^self weights values sum
> If I debug aWeightedAverateTotalization total  and try to print *super
> total* in the debugger ParagraphEditor, I'll get this result:
> (self summatory / self denominator)
> instead of just:
> self summatory
> This only happens when I print or inspect or other do-its in the debugger
> window. The method lookup works OK when just evaluating the code (the tests
> I made are green).
> I think that when you print or inspect (etc) *super total*, the evaluation
> context takes WeightedAverageTotalization class instead of
> AverageTotalization, so when total is sent to super under that context, the
> code is looked up on AverageTotalization instead of Totalization.
> Could that be possible? Am I thinking right?
> I spent a *while* chasing this bug, and I found a solution, but I don't
> know if it's OK or if it's the best. It's simple and it seems to work. I
> tested it in the last PharoCore1.1 unstable image.
> I attach some code to reproduce the error (you'll get a halt when you run
> the test, read the comments, the problem is clear when you run the weighted
> average test), and the code that fixes this.
> If you confirm that this was not a known issue, I'll register it on the
> issue tracker with both these attachments.
> If it was a known issue... well, I learned :) (I think XD)
> Cheers!
> Carla.
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