
i just snapshotted my stuff with various fixes, to make it load
cleanly on pharo and squeak images.

I'd like you to ask to test and load it and tell me if it works for you.

Currently it works only on win32 platform. It could work on Linux, but
i didn't had time to port it yet.

There is no automatic installation procedure right now, so here what
you should try:

- first, you need to have VM with NativeBoost plugin + NativeBoost
loaded into an image
(see http://code.google.com/p/nativeboost/wiki/Installation for instructions)

- then load the OpenGL stuff from http://www.squeaksource.com/NBOpenGL
in following order:

- NBOpenGL-Core
- NBOpenGL-Win
- NBOpenGL-TrueType
- NBOpenGL-Display
- NBOpenGL-Morphic

i tried the above on Pharo-1.1-11367-Betadev10.05.1.image , which were
released recently,
and it seems works ok.
on squeak/trunk it should also work without problems.

Now, if everything went right, then we're ready to run a demo:

GLViewportMorph new "useOwnForm: true;" openInWorld

This thing should render a TrueType glyphs and animating a smooth zoom of it.
Nothing fancy, i just wanna know, if it works for you (and how well).  :)

As you may know, GPU/OpenGL implementations vary depending on vendor
and how old your hardware is,
and i don't have all of it at my disposal.

Ok.. if you got it running, and it renders the glyphs.. there's one thing left:
 - save your image and quit (without closing this morph)
 - start image

it should continue working as if nothing happens.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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