improvements are always welcome.
We removed ColorPickerMorph because it was subclassing a giant and bad class.


On Jun 27, 2010, at 11:53 AM, Denis Kudriashov wrote:

> I try last Pharo 1.1 rc2 10.06.10.
> I found that tool for changing color by user is changed. ColorPickerMorph is 
> removed. Now I can't dynamically change color by mouse and see my changes 
> immediately. Now I must select color in new tool, press ok button. And after 
> that tool close and I must open it again if I dont like my changes. 
> It is bad behavior compare with pharo 1.0/squeak. But I really like new color 
> picker morph.
> New tool is ColorSelectorDialogWindow. 
> How I can hookup It for tracking color selection?
> Maybe I must add some event triggering in #basicSelectedColor: method.
> But I see many #changed: sends in #basicSelectedColor: method. And maybe I 
> already can implement some dependent class for needed stuff.
> What you think?
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