2010/6/27 Henrik Sperre Johansen <henrik.s.johan...@veloxit.no>

>  On 27.06.2010 20:20, laurent laffont wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 7:11 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexan...@bergel.eu>wrote:
>> > The problem is that I don't really know if the method I've changed has
>> been actually "hit" by the tests. I just see that tests has been run. I
>> don't know if my method has been called when running the tests.
>> >
>> > So I want to detect this.
>> >
>> > One way of doing this seems to use
>> MethodContext>>runSimulated:contextAtEachStep:. I've found this looking at
>> MessageTally. Is it the best solution ?
>>  If you know exactly which compiled method you are interested in, I would
>> wrap it using a plain object that answers to #run:with:in:
>> This is a feature supported which is supported for quite some time by the
>> VM.
>> Info on
>> http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Archive/Papers/Bergel06bRDLPrototyping.pdf<http://www.iam.unibe.ch/%7Escg/Archive/Papers/Bergel06bRDLPrototyping.pdf>,
>>  Section 2.2
> Thank you, it's cool to learn so sexy stuff :) Should be in Pharo book.
> Laurent
> Note: The Cog VM crashes on TestObjectsAsMethods.

Yes.  I never tried to get this to work.  How important is this to people?


> Cheers,
> Henry
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