On 07/01/2010 08:53 AM, laurent laffont wrote:

It seems I've messed up something on Autotest unit tests and I have an
Autotest instance running, I don't know where it's referenced. I've
tried Smalltalk>>#garbageCollect and #garbageCollectMost .... still here.

How can I find why an instance is not garbage collected ?
How to kill it ?

You can't "kill it", you can only get rid of references to it. So the problem is to find those references. There are some different tools for that, I tend to use:

PointerFinder on: MyClass allInstances first

...and then take action from that info.

There are some tricky things like some ActionMap somewhere and the Undo mechanism IIRC that tend to hold onto stuff. And of course, if you have some debugger hanging around... :). Or sloppy class variables etc.

regards, Göran

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