If i remember correctly this is fixed and the bug is closed already a
while ago. Or is this something new?


On Saturday, July 10, 2010, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Simon. Can you open a bug ticket please?
> Lukas, it seems very easy to fix. If you want you can commit this change:
> OBSelectorNode >> methods
>     methods ifNil:
>             [methods := SystemNavigation default allMethodsSelect:
>                             [:m |
>                             m hasLiteralSuchThat:
>                                     [:lit |
>                                     lit isString and:
>                                             [lit isSymbol not
>                                                 and: [lit includesSubstring: 
> selector string caseSensitive: false]]]]].
>     ^ methods collect: [:m | OBMethodNode on: m]
> I only changed allMethodsNoDoitsSelect:  by  allMethodsSelect:
> Cheers
> mariano
> On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Simon Denier <simon.den...@inria.fr> wrote:
> In 1.1 RC4 (and before), when opening the contextual menu in the source pane, 
> there is an option for 'method containing' among the search actions.
> It's not clear what is is supposed to do. Is it the OB implementation of the 
> 'method strings with it' action, which is also available?
> Anyway, it is broken as it raises a DNU #allMethodsNoDoitsSelect:
> --
>  Simon
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