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On 7/29/10 9:06 AM, Andrei Stebakov wrote:
I've been trying to find a library for Pharo/Squeak which would handle
GET/POST requests with the ability to manage cookies and deal with
https servers.
The HTTPSocket that's included in Pharo doesn't have cookies support.
I tried to find any library that handles cookies and there came up
CurlPlugin and SWHTTPClient.
SWHTTPClient page has a broken link to the source code
CurlPlugin package for Win32 that I found on the main project page
fails most of the tests and can't retrieve any http data.
I also found WebClient/WebServer library at
http://www.squeaksource.com/@QY3MLGU4hU3c8qcE/2xQek_iM which also
fails most tests after installation.

I wonder what people in smalltalk community are using when they need
to do some web scraping when they need to keep some session in
What would be the best library to invest time into (I am very new to Smalltalk)?

Thank you,

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