Hi Lukas,

> My apologies - I've just downloaded the latest Eclipse and you are correct
> > the smart-characters work in a similar manor. However one important
> > usability difference is that when entering a string, my brain won't stop
> my
> > fingers from closing the quote - even though my eyes see "Smart
> Characters"
> > have automatically inserted the closing quote. On Eclipse the editor
> infers
> > I'm typing the closing quote/bracket etc and skips over the already
> inserted
> > "Smart Character", in Pharo it inserts another set of quotes giving me
> three
> > quotes at the end of my string and leaving the insertion point between
> the
> > first the second quote.  I think this issue was shared by our
> CampSmalltalk
> > beginners.
> That's fairly easy to adapt, please try the following version from
> <http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/unsorted>:
>  Name: ECompletion-lr.126
>  Author: lr
>  Time: 31 July 2010, 4:10:04 pm
>  UUID: 777d55d6-95e9-4630-a5ac-b35347286646
>  Ancestors: ECompletion-lr.125
>  - try to be smarter with smart characters

Thanks for the that - it's getting there. A couple of issues:

* The change appears to have introduced odd delete behaviour. When I delete
a character within smart quotes, a character *and* the ending smart quote is
deleted - different behaviour to prior to your change,

* If I enter:  ('   in Eclipse when I type:  ') it skips over both the
closing ' and the closing ).

Apologies for my pedantry.

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