On Aug 4, 2010, at 11:30 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> Thanks
> Will be intergated now.
> BTW at ESUG we should sit together and talk about the way we want to have 
> custom keybinding at the morph level.


> Once I was thinking to do the following:
>       use a classvar for a default table
>       and use an instance to point to it and all methods using it so that 
>       we could get sharing of the table by default and instance based 
> possible cosutomization.
Ok, here are some thoughts:

In Pharo1.2 :  there are two diferent mechanisms:
        1. Morphs that present text, and  forward the keybinding logic to an 
editor ( NewTextMorph, EntryfieldMorph and old TextMorph and Pluggables => 
Editor , TextEditor and SmalltalkEditor ).
                EditableTextMorph>>keyStroke: aKeyboardEvent
                        self handleInteraction: [ editor processKeyStroke: 
aKeyboardEvent ].

        2.Morphs that don't deal with text, do their own customizations by 
overriding keyStroke: anEvent ( or using their own customized event handler )
        keyStroke: anEvent
                "Handle a keystroke event.  The default response is to let my 
eventHandler, if any, handle it."
                eventHandler ifNotNil:
                        [self eventHandler keyStroke: anEvent fromMorph: self].

We could either 
        1. Unify all Morphs to use the first mechanisms
        (2) Add by default to all Morphs  a specific event handler that handles 
keybindings  objects on #keyStroke:

> how do you handle specific keybinding with gaucho?

In Gaucho i do (2),.

All  interactive Gaucho morphs are subclass of GMLivelyShape, and i override 
#keyStroke: ,
so that it finds any keyBinding that can be applied to the received event, and 
executes it.


pd:  here is the code, in case my explanation wasn't good enough!

GMLivelyShape >>keyStroke: aMorphicEvent
        | existingKeybinding binding result appliedCommand |
        existingKeybinding := GCondition existingKeybindingCondition 
evaluateOn: aMorphicEvent with: keyBindings .
        existingKeybinding wasUnsuccesfull ifTrue:[ 
                ^ self justRejectedKeyStroke: aMorphicEvent failedEvaluation: 
existingKeybinding  ].
        binding := self keyBindingActingOn: aMorphicEvent.
        result := binding canBeAppliedOn: self .
        result wasUnsuccesfull ifTrue:[ ^ self
                justRejectedKeyStroke: gEvent
                failedEvaluation: result  ].
        appliedCommand := self applyKeybinding: binding.

> Stef
> On Aug 4, 2010, at 11:26 AM, Fernando olivero wrote:
>> Name: SLICE-Issue-2749-NewTextMorphEnterAndEscape-FernandoOlivero.1
>> Author: FernandoOlivero
>> Time: 4 August 2010, 11:23:18 am
>> UUID: 4558cda9-d2f7-4839-9c9c-bf8438c9b28f
>> Ancestors: 
>> Dependencies: Morphic-FernandoOlivero.673, System-Text-FernandoOlivero.25
>> . Added edited announcements, so we can create morphs that react to every 
>> user input.
>> 2. Removed some "morphic" methods from the TextEditor ( #offerMenuFromEsc:, 
>> now escape is handled by sending the editor's morphs #escapePressed ).
>> 3. Fixed the  bug
>> 4 .Simplified KeyStroke: methods, so that all the keyboard bindings logic 
>> remains in the Editors ( to easily implement customized keyboard bindings, 
>> now hardcoded in the Editors classes )
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