El sáb, 07-08-2010 a las 22:07 -0300, Guillermo Polito escribió:
> Hi!  I was looking for a Pharo Dev 1.2 image and I didn't find it...
> I guess it doesn't exists, so I want to make my own downloading a few
> tools like OB, eCompletion in a 1.2 Core image.  So I began looking
> for gofer or metacello scripts to do it :P.  I searched in the
> Collaboractive Book, the PBE, the mailing list...
> Finally looking some mails and browsing the MetacelloRepository, I
> figured out something like "ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser project
> lastVersion load" that succeded with a little help :P.
> Soo, after some time doing this a few questions come to my mind:
> -Is there an up to date list of the tools we pharoers count on and how
> to load them?  I mean OB, eCompletion, FFI, Mondrian...
> -Is there a list of the tools current Dev images have?  I found a
> ConfigurationOfPharo and I thought It should behave like that.

In the pharo download page (http://pharo-project.org/pharo-download) you
Pharo 1.1 image (stable):

then unzipping it you find inside the installScript.st, that is used to
build the developer image from a PharoCore released image. This scripts

Gofer new
  squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
  package: 'ConfigurationOfPharo';

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPharo) project version: '1.1') perform:
#silently: with: true; perform: #load.

And indeed the ConfigurationOfPharo is the one used to build the image.
There you'll find the list of packages that are loaded in the image.

> Maybe there's a wiki or a webpage I'm missing.
> Thanks!
> Guille
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