This method is used when installing an new editor on a TextMorph, and resusing 
the state of the previous one ( for example: selection interval).

Currently we are just creating a new one, so YES, we could remove all senders.


On Aug 17, 2010, at 11:25 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

>> From: stephane ducasse <>
>> Date: August 17, 2010 10:46:05 PM GMT+02:00
>> To: Pharo Development <>
>> Subject: TextEditor>>possiblyChanged broke TextEditor quite well :(
>> Hi fernando
>> apparently in TextEditor>>stateArrayPut: stateArray there is call to 
>> possiblyChanged which does not exist in pharo or Squeak
>> TextEditor>>stateArrayPut: stateArray
>>      | sel |
>>      sel := stateArray at: 1.
>>      self selectFrom: sel first to: sel last.
>>      beginTypeInBlock := stateArray at: 2.
>>      emphasisHere := stateArray at: 3.
>>      morph possiblyChanged
>> And this breaks the system when I try to integrate the ParagraphEditro 
>> replacement.... lost laready a couple of hours
>> In CUIS it is defined as 
>> PluggableTextMorph>>possiblyChanged
>>      "A hook for notificating possible interested parties
>>      Not used in base system"
>> TextMorph>>possiblyChanged
>> TextMorphForEditView>>possiblyChanged
>>      editView possiblyChanged
>> So? 
>> Do we need that? if not we should remove all the senders
>> Stef
> <ATT00001..txt>

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