Carla....I know you have a wishlist/future plans....why don't you list them
here and avoid people re-telling you ideas? :)

and of course, several people may be intrested in the future features or
ideas !

2010/8/19 Carla F. Griggio <>

> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Tudor Girba <>wrote:
>> And some more feedback:
>> - It would be nice to be able to add comments
> Comments would be great indeed :)
>> - When creating a new diagram, the new diagram should be selected by
>> default (right now it is not predictable)
> Whoops, that's right!
> Thanks!
> Carla
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> On 19 Aug 2010, at 17:23, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>  I took a quick look, and it looks quite nice!
>>> Here is a bit of feedback:
>>> - I would prefer to have the menus for manipulating entities directly on
>>> the canvas, and not in the panes below
>>> - It looks like the last character from the name of the class gets
>>> trimmed
>>> - sometimes the last character from the names of the methods appears on
>>> the next row
>>> - When trying to create a box from existing class, I get DNU when the
>>> class does not exist. Here I would expect to have the option of selecting
>>> this class from a list, not to know it upfront
>>> - I would prefer another notation for interfaces vs. classes. Right now
>>> you have two borders on top of each other: solid for those entities that can
>>> hold code, and dotted for those that cannot be instantiated. I would prefer
>>> to have only one border with different thicknesses or different shades of
>>> gray to denote code, and italic text to denote abstractness (for traits and
>>> interfaces).
>>> I am not sure if it matters, but I have to mention that I tested in on a
>>> Pharo 1.1 on a CogVM.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>> On 19 Aug 2010, at 16:56, Carla F. Griggio wrote:
>>>  Hi everyone!
>>>> Well, here I am announcing the resulting project of my GSoC experience
>>>> during the [your] summer: smallUML, a project to help us building diagrams
>>>> and sharing them with any package of code.
>>>> My mentor was Stephane Ducasse and my co-mentor Geert Claes, so thanks
>>>> to them for the guidance up to now, and also to Fernando Olivero who helped
>>>> me a lot (hope to do some coding with you at ESUG! :P).
>>>> You can gofer it:
>>>> Gofer it
>>>>   squeaksource: 'smallUML';
>>>>   package: 'ConfigurationOfSmallUML';
>>>>   load.
>>>> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSmallUML) project latestVersion load.
>>>> And then open the Diagram Browser of the current little examples
>>>> evaluating:
>>>> DiagramDrawingDocumentation openDiagramBrowser  .
>>>> This is beta and I'm still working on it, my work will continue after
>>>> GSoC's deadline, so of course your welcome to give some feedback and think
>>>> about what features would you like it to have and if you're confortable 
>>>> with
>>>> the current features. It would be really nice if this helped to get all
>>>> Pharo projects more documented, with visual diagrams that help 
>>>> understanding
>>>> them at a glance.
>>>> Talking about that... the current features are:
>>>>        • Open a Diagram Browser for an existing Category Diagrams Holder
>>>> (this is a class ment to hold the created diagrams and there should be one
>>>> per category, for now; you can browse DiagramDrawingDocumentation to see an
>>>> example)
>>>>        • Create and edit diagrams programatically describing them with
>>>> "diagram code" (the diagram code it's just a protocol of methods meant to
>>>> describe diagrams, you can see some diagram code browsing
>>>> DiagramDrawingDocumentation methods or each Class Box in the Diagram
>>>> Browser)
>>>>        • Every diagram you build through the Diagram Browser it's saved
>>>> as "diagram code", so you can share it as code that will reproduce your
>>>> diagram :) That means that diagrams can 'travel' along it's package when 
>>>> you
>>>> commit your changes with Monticello! And then they can be edited by 
>>>> anybody,
>>>> they're not just a pretty picture.
>>>>        • You can export your diagram as a PNG picture or you can export
>>>> it's "diagram code" as a workspace.
>>>>        • Only Class Diagrams can be built for now.
>>>>        • Class Boxes of a class diagram can be dragged to be easily
>>>> positioned.
>>>> Some details that are missing:
>>>>        • It's funny, but I can't center the class boxes title! :P
>>>>        • I tried adding some scrollbars to the "whiteboard" where you
>>>> can view your diagrams in the Diagram Browser, but if I did that the drag &
>>>> drop of the class boxes worked funny :( I'll ask about that to you later.
>>>> On the way:
>>>>        • Tests and documentation, and a screencast showing every
>>>> feature.
>>>>        • Lots of refactors: as I'm adding more kind of diagrams right
>>>> now, so I'm doing a lot of refactors to make everything more flexible and
>>>> improving all the messy code there.
>>>>        • A version of Minimal Connectors for anybody to use if they feel
>>>> like connecting morphs for another project.
>>>>        • Some usability improvements.
>>>>        • Object diagrams
>>>>        • Sequence diagrams
>>>>        • Your feedback :D
>>>> So I'd really appreciate if you can give it a try and tell me how you
>>>> feel about it, I'd like it to be very usable.
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> Carla
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