do you have the same problem with the normal VM?

On Sep 1, 2010, at 5:25 AM, Jimmie Houchin wrote:

> Hello,
> I am developing an application which processes and generates a large amount 
> of data. In a recent attempt I encountered an Space is Low error.
> This is occurring in a Pharo 1.1 image using the latest Pharo and Cog VMs. I 
> am opening the vm with the -memory: 1000 parameter.
> The below code I have applied the from the Squeak list from the 100 Million 
> Objects thread. But the problem occurs at about 500mb of ram on a computer 
> with 3 (or 6) gb of ram, with only 65% of physical ram in use. The os is 
> Vista.
> Any help in using more memory, as much as necessary for the app, would be 
> greatly appreciated.
> initializeMemorySettings
> "Initialize the memory and GC settings to be more in line with QF 
> requirements"
> "The following settings affect the rate incremental GCs and tenuring"
> "Limit incremental GC activity to run every 40k allocations"
>  SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 5 put: 40000. "allocations between GCs 
> (default: 4000)"
> "Limit tenuring threshold to only tenure w/ > 10k survivors"
>  SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 6 put: 10000. "tenuring threshold 
> (default: 2000)"
> "These settings affect overall memory usage"
> "Only give memory back to the OS when we have more than 16MB free"
>  SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 24 put: 16*1024*1024. "default 8MB"
> "Try to keep 8MB headroom at all times"
>  SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 25 put: 8*1024*1024. "default 4MB"
> "These settings describe what to do when we're close to running out of free 
> space"
> "Tell the VM that we'd rather grow than spinning in tight GC loops"
>  SmalltalkImage current gcBiasToGrow: true. "default: false"
>  "Tell the VM to do a fullGC for good measure if the above growth exceeded 
> 16MB"
>  SmalltalkImage current gcBiasToGrowLimit: 16*1024*1024. "default: 0"
> Thanks,
> Jimmie Houchin
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