I just saw that there is propositions to remove CodeMorph:


So maybe the best fix will be to remove all the tests related ? :)

2010/10/1 Cyrille Delaunay <cy.delau...@gmail.com>

> In pharo 1.2, NewTextMorphTests>>#testFullMethodName raise an error. This 
> error happen when calling:
>    CodeMorph >> defaultStyledText
>       | text attribute |
>       text := self text.
>       text addAttribute: ( self newTextColorAttribute: Color black ).
>       ^ text.
> text is a string, and therefore it does not understand 'addAttribute'. The 
> value return by 'text' depends on the value of the instance variable 
> 'adapter'. adapter can have different values according the way we initialize 
> the CodeMorph. One of them is:
>   beFullMethodName
>       aspect := #selector.
>       adapter := [:selector| target methodClass name , '.' , self 
> selectorWithArguments ].
> The block return a String and I guess the right code should be
>     beFullMethodName
>       aspect := #selector.
>       adapter := [:selector| (target methodClass name , '.' , self 
> selectorWithArguments) asText ]
> ??.
> I opened an Issue: http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3031
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