Hi guys (German).

Today I needed to add some real log to something I am developing and I found
that SimpleLogger missed those functionalities I was needing. So...I
implemented them. It is 3 hours effort, so don't expect too much. But I just
wanted to shared with you in case you need it.

What I did basically is to define SimpleLogger like the public API. But
then, this class delegates to a LoggerStrategy. I created the following
implementations: TranscriptLoggerStrategy, NullLoggerStrategy,
FileLoggerStrategy and FixesFileNameLoggerStrategy.  In addition, I created
a superclass for them, marking the API with SimpleLogger. This class is

So, now you can:

- Enable and disable easily the logging (thanks to NullLoggerStrategy).
- Change on runtime WHERE or HOW to log (just change the strategy).
- Be able to write into a File, a Transcript, a FixedFileName, or nothing.
- Extend to you own strategy (FileAppendLoggerStrategy??
SocketLoggerStrategy?  etc...)

I did these changes today morning so I didn't have time to write tests nor
class comments. However, I wrote some class side example methods in

Finally, for my own projects I want:
- to use a FixedFileName (very similar to the way PharoDebug.log is used).
- to only do "self log:" in my classes.

The solution I did is that somewhere (maybe in a class of your project or
maybe in a special class that holds this) in a class side variable I hold a
Singleton with the Logger. So that you can always do for example:
MyAppLogger logger log: 'zaraza'.

And finally, I implemented Object >> log:   (with category *MyAppPackage)

log: anObject
      MyAppLogger logger log: anObject.

With this, anywhere in the classes of my app I can do:   self log:

The code is temporally commited in http://www.squeaksource.com/Marea

German: if you think I should commit directly to SimpleLogger repo, just let
me know. In addition, be completely free to change it as you want and commit
it there too.


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