Attachment: ObjectScanner.1.cs
Description: Binary data

> Seems to be used by SmartRefStream, but I don't know why. But it is easy to 
> test it.
> This works:
>     FileStream forceNewFileNamed: 'test' do: 
>         [ :stream |  stream fileOutClass: nil andObject: 'something'.     ].  
>     (FileStream oldFileNamed: 'test') fileInObjectAndCode.
> Rename ObjectScanner, and you will get a compiler error. 
> This is because it is being written in:
> SmartRefStream >> appendClassDefns
> The ObjectScanner class comment says:
> An instance of this class is the compiler's context for filing in a 
> SmartRefStream containing instance-specific classes.  When the old name of a 
> new object's class conflicts with an existing class name, install a class var 
> in me.  It has the old name but points at the new class.  The compiler uses 
> it when compiling the code in the fileIn.  Fill the SmartRefStream's renamed 
> class dictionary.
> An object fileout:
> !ObjectScanner new initialize!      "allow me to take control with scanFrom:"
> Player subclass: Player23 instanceVariableNames: 'foo' classVariableNames: '' 
>     poolDictionaries: nil category: 'Instance Specific'!
>     "I prescan this and (self rename: #Player23 toBe: #Player30)"
> !Player23 methodsFor: 'all' stamp: 'tk 3/9/98 18:58'!    "actually sent to 
> Player30"
> foo
>     ^ foo! !
> !self smartRefStream!<binary representation of the objects>!
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 8:10 PM, stephane ducasse <> 
> wrote:
> ObjectScanner does not have any user and I was wondering what was its exact 
> purpose?
> Apparently it is related to uniclasses and there are still some left over.
> It is not available in CUIS.
> Stef
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