In order to provide compatibility with the existing Morphs, i've propose that 
the if any submorphs does not use #precedence, the behavior defaults to 

        | usePrecedence morphs |
        usePrecedence := submorphs anySatisfy:[:each| each precedence = 0 ].
        usePrecedence not ifTrue:[ ^ submorphs ].
        morphs := submorphs select: #visible.
        morphs sort: [:a :b| a precedence <= b precedence ].
        ^ morphs 

On Oct 22, 2010, at 2:35 PM, Fernando olivero wrote:

> Currently, the submorph order isn't explicit.
> Which means that adding several submorphs in a certain order, is no guarantee 
> that they will appear in the desired order when laid out using a 
> LayoutPolicy. Because the #morphicLayoutNumber is used.
> I've propose the following:
> 1. Add Morph>>precedence
> 2. Add Morph>>orderedSubmorphs 
> 3. Modify the existing LayoutPolicies to use orderedSubmorphs instead of 
> submorphsDo:
> ISSUE 3136.
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