Yes there are some fun names in there: ice, yelowish, midnight, barney. Also 
some very 'human-excreta-related' ones: puke, vomit, poo, booger,  ... But I 
chose not to pass a watch-out-for-the-children filter. (What would I do with 
Barney for example ? :-P )

On 24 Oct 2010, at 03:46, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> ok I read the code :)
> I like 'swamp'
> Stef
> On Oct 23, 2010, at 11:30 PM, Johan Fabry wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> in the work of AspectMaps I was a bit let down by the named colors Pharo 
>> provides (Color red et cetera). Now I am happy to say that thanks to the 
>> XKCD color survey I was able to improve on this. I can now use 261 named 
>> colors thanks to a XKCDColor class, and I'd like to share the code, ideally 
>> to be included into Pharo. The code is available in bugreport 
>> Here is the class comment fo XKCDColor:
>> ---snip---
>> A color named according to the XKCD color survey, as published in 
>> ("Over five million 
>> colors were named across 222,500 user sessions.")
>> Of the full table of 954 colors that is published only those were selected 
>> that did not have a space in their name, ignoring e.g. electric lime, nasty 
>> green, macaroni and cheese, pinkish tan, but also light light blue, strong 
>> blue. This results in a table of 261 named colors, but with duplicates such 
>> as ochre and ocre. These were left in since as they are common misspellings 
>> it is more convenient for the user.
>> To instantiate: XCDColor named: aString where aString is one of the 261 
>> named colors. If the name is not known, the color red is instantiated. 
>> Instances of XKCDColor know their XKCD color name, returned by the name 
>> accessor.
>> Thanks to Randall Monroe of for providing the data.
>> ---snip---
>> And here is a picture of all the colors (Generated with Mondrian :-) )
>> <Colors.png>
>> --
>> Johan Fabry   
>> -
>> PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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Johan Fabry -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile

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