> However, the problem here is that I do not know how to replace all the 
> "browser" appearances with "a" inside the andShow: block. I tried multiple 
> variations like the one below, but I could not seem to get it to work as I 
> want.
>        replace: '`...@browser showOn: `...@target; from: `...@origin; using: [
>               �...@browser `...@.statements]' with: '`...@browser transmit 
> to: `...@target; from: `...@origin; andShow: [:a | a `...@.statements]';
> Can anyone point me into the right direction?

Yes, you can put in the replacement code some code snippets like

    `{ :context | ... }

Replace the "..." with some Smalltalk code that returns a parse tree
node (or a collection of parse-tree nodes). The context-variable is a
dictionary containing the current bindings of the matched nodes. So
you can perform a sub-rewrite on `...@.statements to replace all
accesses to `...@browser with the variable a; and you return the
transformed tree.


Lukas Renggli

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