On Tue, 9 Nov 2010, Philippe Marschall wrote:

On 09.11.2010 07:58, Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:
What does your patch do?

It replaces the #& with and #and: swaps receiver and argument to
preserve the same semantics. That saves a primitive call if the data is
already sent. It's basically the same as posted by Levente.

At a minimum, it deserves a little attention.  Things that come to mind are 
that one version does less work due to some type of optimization (and runs 
faster as a result) or that one is too quick to detect a loss of connection and 
sends less data per opportunity, appearing to run slower as a result.

Can you elaborate on "I'm able to push about 1 Mbyte/s more"?  I guess I'm 
asking how that manifests itself?  Are there a bunch of connections that form, send and 
fail?  Do they each get a little farther or do they go faster?

Throughput outgoing from the Pharo image was about 1 Mbyte/s higher. Now

1MB/s throughput sounds pretty low. On windows I could transfer 160MB/s using two processes in the same image by directly using the Socket primitives in 4k chunks. With high level methods (#sendData: #receiveData:) it went down to 110MB/s. With a two image setup (client-server) I got 66MB/s (one CPU/image).

Though our machines are different (yours is probably faster), still Machine/OS differences + concurrent access + ab + apache + AJP + Seaside caused 66x slowdown. That's more than acceptable IMHO.


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