One item on the list that is missing, in my opinion, is a "Package management 
system". With Metacello we have the underlying infrastructure but what we lack 
is a process, the supporting tools, and building of a community around 
contributing and managing external packages. Today it's hard to find whether 
somebody already did what one needs, and its hard to install others work 
because dependencies and general information about a package is missing.


BTW, for an example of a simple catalogue see and 
this page for a package description:

On Dec 4, 2010, at 16:06 , Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> Hi guys
> Here is a list of important projects for the future and you can help us 
> making the infrastructure of Pharo really better.
> The idea is also to give you a better view of the work we want to structure.
> We can use this list to discuss during the IRC meeting.
> let me know what you think
> Stef

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