
Recently I made some improvements about RPackage. What I mainly did, is to
implement the 'SystemAnnounncements listening', to update the organizer when
the system change. With that  I implemented a set of tests that should all
be green now (in RPackageMCSynchronisationTest (I should change the name)).

You can load RPackage by evaluating:

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'PharoInbox';
package: 'ConfigurationOfRPackage';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfRPackage) perform: #loadDefault.

(I think it should work, but squeaksource is down for now, so I was not able
to test it).

In those tests I started to write some about traits, but after few, I
realized that the events emitted when a trait change are the same that the
one used for classes ?
Then if you have some ideas about what is still missing in RPackage, tell
me, I can add it to my task list :)

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