Status: Accepted
Owner: siguctua
Labels: Milestone-1.3

New issue 3399 by siguctua: SystemNavigation should directly use CompiledMethods instead of their wrapper where its appropriate

SystemNavigation exposing the currently running system to tools.
This means that it is always operates with objects located in system in its current state, not somewhere outside.

In own turn this means, that it should not use any indirections or wrapping real compiled methods with method references, but instead should pass them directly to development tools.

For navigating remote systems or any other kinds of indirection, one could create a subclass of SystemNavigation, which then can expose the remote system internal using compiled method references, classes and other proxies like that.

This also means that we should analyze and impose the required protocol which both CompiledMethod and MethodReference(s) should comply with. As well as Classes and MetaClasses, Packages and organization.

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