Hi all

We have a really good news for pharo. Igor got a job as engineer in our team 
for two years.
We are really thankful to INRIA for that. Since we want to be transparent here 
is the way we plan to work.
We asked igor to help fixing bug fixes for about 20% of his time.
And to focus on larger items. Here is a list based on the brainstorming we did 
and what we told INRIA
igor would do. 
Now if you want to help and join effort with us this is even better. 

Now igor started to work on OPAL because we would like to have it for a beta in 
january, when we will get a new unstable 


-- Set nil
-- Hashed Collection
        --  dictionary are slower
        --  Generalize stream protocol #readInto:startingAt:count: 

-- WeakStructure
-- Finalizer
-- Chapter on Finalizer

-- Better integration process

-- EventSensor 
        - publish a windows VM that support it
-- ClassBuilder rewrite

-- Helping improving the VM
        - cleaner code

-- Cleaning events/annoucement
        check CUIS
-- SystemChangeNotification -> announcement
        sync with Cyrille
        review with Cyrille

-- Using RPackage in Monticello
        sync with cyrille

-- iSqueak New event hierarchy
        Alain imported that     

-- New compiler
        -- debug
        -- Decompiler IR -> AST
        -- Cleanups
        -- API
        -- Environment

        - API stablisation: openVG
        - system rewrite to use API

-- Ephemerons ??

-- Announcement with weak structure

-- Networks
        - may be use WeakFinalizer here.
        - looking at Andreas fixes in Squeak

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