Status: New
Owner: ----

New issue 3458 by bug in the class MultiByteFileStream when Pharo running under Windows

PharoCore-1.2beta-12272, Windows

Steps to reproduce:
(MultiByteFileStream new)
 wantsLineEndConversion: true;
 open: 'c:\temp\1.txt' forWrite: true;

 File c:\temp\1.txt contains 3 characters (cr lf lf) instead of two (cr lf).
This is due to the fact that the method MultiByteFileStream>> nextPut: There is a double conversion of Cr to CrLf.
 I think this can be corrected as follows:

 MultiByteFileStream>> nextPut: aCharacter
       aCharacter isInteger
                 ifTrue: [^ super nextPut: aCharacter].
(wantsLineEndConversion == true and: [lineEndConvention notNil]) "# doConversion is inlined here"
                  ifTrue: [
                              aCharacter = Cr
ifTrue: [converter nextPutAll: (LineEndStrings at: # cr) toStream: self] ifFalse: [converter nextPut: aCharacter toStream: self].
                              ^ aCharacter].
       ^ Self converter nextPut: aCharacter toStream: self


Paste or attach stack trace if applicable (look at the file PharoDebug.log
located in the same directory as your image):

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