On Jan 5, 2011, at 8:55 AM, Noury Bouraqadi wrote:

> Hi,
> Before integrating some code into Pharo the first step is to check that the 
> licence is MIT.

from Squeak it is since they publish in MIT.
Having tests and class comments would be a good check.

> Noury
> On 5 janv. 2011, at 00:22, Miguel Cobá wrote:
>> The easiest way to get this code into pharo core is to create a mcz
>> package, put it on PharoInbox on squeaksource and create a ticket in
>> code.google.com/p/pharo referencing it and taggint it Fixed, this way
>> Stéphane or Markus can harvest it to the core image.
>> If the mcz package is overkill, then a simple fileout of the package in
>> squeak attached to the ticket will do.
>> Maybe in the long term a project on squeaksource should be created (if
>> not exists) and new changes to to it and from there pulled to squeak and
>> pharo.
>> Cheers
>> El mar, 04-01-2011 a las 15:43 -0700, Ralph Boland escribió:
>>> I earlier posted a Xmas wish that Pharo add generators
>>> (steal the generators code from Squeak).
>>> No one appeared to be familiar with them.
>>> The generators code was added to Squeak by Andreas Raas.
>>> The class Generator can be found in Squeak as a subclass
>>> of Stream.  It's about 140 lines of code and, as I said before,
>>> is really useful and needed in order for me to port some of the
>>> packages I am developing from Squeak to Pharo.
>>> Class Generator is tested in class GeneratorTest which also serves
>>> as examples of uses of Generators.
>>> So please, someone go steal the code!
>>> And stealing is easy.  For example I stole the following comment on
>>> class Generator directly from the class comment:
>>> "
>>> A Generator transforms callback interfaces into stream interfaces.
>>> When a producer algorithm provide results as callbacks (blocks) and a
>>> consumer algorithm expects streamable input, a Generator transforms
>>> one into the other, for example:
>>>     | generator |
>>>     generator := Generator on: [:g| Integer primesUpTo: 100 do:[:prime| g
>>> yield: prime]].
>>>     [generator atEnd] whileFalse:[Transcript show: generator next].
>>> "
>>> Regards,
>>> Ralph Boland
>> -- 
>> Miguel Cobá
>> http://twitter.com/MiguelCobaMtz
>> http://miguel.leugim.com.mx

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