The Ma stack does something similar, although not crippling the system
to the same extent.

How do you determine you're running headless?  I attached my
implementation of #maIsHeadless for determining whether the VM was
launched headless.  Perhaps we should integrate this functionality
into Squeak and Pharo (or a variant without the prefix, of course).

Then, I use MaCommandLineProcessor which is concerned with handling
the command-line Squeak was launched with:

Then, I write my .st scripts like:

    MaCommandLineProcessor do:
        [ : arg1 : arg2 : arg3 : etc |
        "my batch code script..."
        "args come in as Strings."
        "... you can have a variable number of args." ]

as well as a uniform error-handler for all scripts, to redirect to
stdout and stderr, thusly:

MaCommandLineProcessor class>>#do: aBlock
        | stdOut stdErr |
        self ensureStartedUp.
        stdOut := StandardFileStream stdout.
        stdErr := StandardFileStream stderr.
        [ aBlock valueWithAllArguments: self args ]
                on: Notification , Warning
                        [ : noti | stdOut
                                 nextPutAll: DateAndTime now asString ; space ;
                                 nextPutAll: noti description ;
                                 perform: MultiByteFileStream lineEndDefault.
                        noti resume ]
                on: SyntaxErrorNotification
                        [ : err | stdOut
                                 nextPutAll: err errorCode ;
                                 perform: MultiByteFileStream lineEndDefault.
                        self haltOrQuit ]
                on: Error
                        [ : err | stdErr
                                 nextPutAll: 'ERROR:  ' ;
                                 nextPutAll: DateAndTime now asString ; space ;
                                 perform: MultiByteFileStream lineEndDefault ;
                                 nextPutAll: err description ;
                                 perform: MultiByteFileStream lineEndDefault.
                        err isMaUserError ifFalse:
                                [ stdErr nextPutAll:
                                        (err signalerContext longStack
                                                copyReplaceAll: Character cr 
                                                with: (String perform: 
MultiByteFileStream lineEndDefault)) ].
                        self haltOrQuit ]

#haltOrQuit is where it checks #maIsHeadless to determine whether to
halt or quit.

MaCommandLineProcessor is part of "Ma base additions" package, so any
of the "Ma" softwares (Magma, Maui, Ma client server, etc.) will have
it.  But I think it would be useful to put this (or, a variant)
directly into a future Squeak.

 - Chris

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Igor Stasenko <> wrote:
> Hello folks.
> I'd like to ask, if there any 'standartized' instruments for headless
> images (or alike).
> I need a simple things:
>  - redirect all  ToolSet/UIManager messages to Transcript
>  - redirect Transcript logging to file or stdout
> in short, these tools should serve a simple, yet important purpose:
>  - if image runs in headless mode, it should suppress anything which
> expecting user interaction (like showing warnings with 'continue'
> button) and either log such messages to file
> or simply quit image with error message.
> Without such tool it is quite difficult to monitor, what happens with
> your headless image.. unless you have RFB installed.. but that is
> different and unrelated story.
> I did a prototype once for Hydra (you can check it at
> SqS/HydraVM/HydraVM.mcz package)
> there are two subclasses:
> - MorphicUIManager subclass: #HydraUIManager
> - StandardToolSet subclass: #HydraDebugToolSet
> and
> - WriteStream subclass: #HydraTranscript
> which can be installed as a Transcript.
> And in order to prepare image to run in headless mode, i issued:
>        ToolSet unregister: StandardToolSet.
>        ToolSet register: HydraDebugToolSet.
>        UIManager default: HydraUIManager new.
> Also, HydraTranscript
> startUp does something like:
>        TranscriptStream
>                newTranscript: (self basicNew initialize
>                                on: (String new: 1000))
> With that i could run the image in headless mode, knowing that in case
> of error or warning etc, all will be redirected to transcript,
> moreover i even stopped the UI process, so it never run on headless images.
> I wonder if there are other work, which can offer similar,
> and is there any way to detect that image are running in headless mode?
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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