On Jan 30, 2011, at 12:09 , Marcus Denker wrote:

> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:45 PM, Adrian Lienhard wrote:
>> Implemented as redirects this is possible. Making the build server available 
>> under, say, ci.pharo-project.org should also be possible (without a 
>> redirect) since we have access to the server (I assume).
> It's a server managed by INRIA IT, though... so we need to check.
>> With Google project this is obviously not possible.
>> The question is where to implement the redirects. Marcus, can Hetzner, who 
>> hosts the DNS, do this?
> they just provide DNS... is this possible just with DNS?

Not with DNS, but some DNS hosting services offer redirects AFAIK. We can also 
do redirects with Cmsbox. You would just need to point the third-level domains 
to us.

Let's take that offline...


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