Am 2011-02-12 um 09:54 schrieb Stéphane Ducasse:
> tobias
> if you want to think that I'm an asshole and I do not want to have a better 
> UI, you are free to think that.

Please rest assured that this is _not_ the case.
I just was astonished that you denied the usability of 
the Gui builder with just few very general words.

> Now this is not the case. So if you can read my mail with the eyes of 
> somebody that fight daily to make the system
> nicer, better, smaller....

I know.

>>>>> So there is an engineering effort needed.
>> oO did other pharo-development _not_ involve engineering?
> Yes so who is standing up and saying ok I will allocate one month to make 
> sure that this is well integrated?

However, if you want it in Pharo, thats the way to go.
Think of Seaside on any non-Pharo. It is just the same.

>>> How do they compare with announcements and event and #changed
>> Had you read the Wiki, you would know.
>> “convenient, lightweight and thread-safe callbacks”
> Yes. Now the question is do we want that in addition to 
>       - event,
>       - announcement
>       - changed
> We are working ***HARD*** to remove event and system changenotifier.
> Design is not layering, it is about bringing the right infrastructure in 
> place.
> So if signals are important/good then they should be not in competition to 
> other but either integrated into 
> or we should migrate the code to the other abstractions.

Probably. However, cirticising initially other goals for not being 
Pharo’s isn’t fair, IMHO.

>>> In the case of the UIBuilder of void,
>> Void?
> The nikname of the personn

He is called Marcel and posted elsewhere in the thread.

>>> there are new widgets that extend existing ones but 
>>> It would be better to not subclass and get better widgets.
>> Interesting, Because it is what polymorph has done for years.
> Yes and this is why we do not want that.
> Even for polymorph the goal is to merge everything and get one set of 
> excellent widgets based on an excellent core.

No Objection.

>>> May be fixing copy/postcopy,
>> what?
> in pharo we use postcopy

So does Squeak.

>>> use of _,
>> what?
> ???
> we should not have _ 
> rob vens told me that there are _ in the BUilder code

I doubt that there are _ assignments.

>>> ...... references to Preferences,....
>> Then, what about a -PharoCompat package?
> I did not see it.

No, I mean, What about _creating_ a PharoCompat
package that matches your style of preferences.

>>> This kind of work.
>> Pleas let me quote your initial mail:        
>>>>> We cannot stack libraries.
>> I'd like to understand that, please.
> As I said, we do not want to have four ways to emit announcements, we need 
> one cool widgets set (merging the best of what exist), in the past we had 4 
> different ButtonMorph. I want one excellent one. So to get there it will take 
> engineering time.
> Just to evaluate solution. 

Thats quite clear and I concur.
The point is, you would have to do this with or without the builder.

Oh, and for this and my previous emails: No offence meant.

So Long,

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