
Am 2011-02-16 um 10:24 schrieb Nicolas Cellier:
> I started referencing Smalltalk idioms at
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_programming_languages_(string_functions)
> I could have focused on ANSI but have chosen Squeak/Pharo. Feel free
> to correct me and to complete me.
> This is a very enlighting exercize, especially for pointing when API
> turns to be not that bright.
> During my perigrination, I notably noticed this:
> #compare: returns 1, 2, or 3 : this is both very object oriented, very
> intuitive and very standard and the rest of the world is stupid,
> unless...
> #findLastOccurrenceOfString:startingAt: in its current form is stupid
> to my taste, because
> 1) implementation is inefficient
> 2) the startingAt: only skip the beginning of the string which seems
> odd for a rfind operation
> I would rather expect this kind of usage:
> last := aString findLastOccurrenceOfString: 'to' startingAt: aString size.
> lastButOne := aString findLastOccurrenceOfString: 'to' startingAt: last - 1.
> The CamelCase is sometimes abusive like #includesSubString:

While I’m with you in the preceding part,
the following is incorrect:
> There is no format. I know, purists will tell me that encoding a
> format in a cryptic string is not in the Smalltalk spirit, but please
> then tell me how to specify a formatting efficiently and also remove
> cryptic regex encoding (a pity, it's not in trunk).

see String>>format:
        "format the receiver with aCollection  
        simplest example:  
        'foo {1} bar' format: {Date today}.
        complete example:  
        '\{ \} \\ foo {1} bar {2}' format: {12. 'string'}. 

as well as the String>>expandMacros* methods. The latter
seem more elaborate but unused, however.

So Long,

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