Hi Guillermo,

When I sync differences of Aida from VisualWorks to Pharo, I do this way:


  - parcel FileOut30 loaded
  - Settings->Source Default fileout type: VW3.0 compatible source code
                                                (NOT Squeak!)


  - VW: From Store version browser: Fileout differences
     to file MyPackage-diffs.st
  - Pharo: in File browser find above file and click button Code
  - manually sync differences or open new class definitions
  - manually delete removed methods
  - fileIn categories or individual changed methods

This is syncing differences, but porting a whole package is similar,
just fileout a while package instead of differences.

Not completely automatic as you see, but with a bit of patience doable
in not too long amount of time.

Best regards

On 18. 03. 2011 03:30, Guillermo Polito wrote:
> Maybe this question is out of the scope of this list, but probably
> someone can help :).
> As described in some threads, I want to use what's described in:
> http://scg.unibe.ch/wiki/howtos/portingfromvisualworkstosqueak
> But when I try to load FileOut30 It doesn't load the Squeak
> Compatibility classes because it seems I lack the refactoring browser. 
> I've already tried to load some Refactoring Browser from different
> stores, but it screws my image :).
> I'm using the community edition of Visual works in windowze.
> Can someone point me in the right direction? (Let's say I'm not very
> used to VisualWorks)
> Thanks!
> Guille

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server

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