Thank ethan

I would really like to see your colors used in our environment. Now I think 
we have to work on the mapping to constructs.
BTW we had fun on (not so related) microprints (was just an experiment:


On Apr 2, 2011, at 5:34 AM, Ethan Schoonover wrote:

> Tudor Girba <tudor.girba@...> writes:
>>> the red in @param in java does not work so it is strange
> The red has been revised for beta2 (it's the only color I had an alternate 
> for 
> -- two alternates actually, one of which was further tested and will be the 
> final color). The old red was L value 45 and was the only accent color that 
> dark. Red is very challenging in general (particularly given the contraints I
> set in order to toggle light and dark) and I have truly spent *days* testing 
> reds for this scheme. No kidding. I dreamt Lab and hex values. The new
> red is L 50 which translates to sRGB space as a much less saturated value.
>> I tested it with Sim Daltonism:
>> It does pretty well (except for Protanopia).
> I'll take a look at that tool as well. For what it's worth, I did do some 
> testing (loaded the scheme into colorschemer and simulated color blindness) 
> as 
> well during the development of Solarized. What I finally came back to was 
> ensuring that L*a*b lightness was accurate and consistent.
> My assumption was that L lightness would translate to an equivalent L 
> lightness
> (regardless of *a*b perceived value) in most color blindness, but this may 
> not 
> be an accurate assumption. This would at least retain readability. I try to 
> limit colors
> to "value added" accents only.
> Feedback from those interested in this issue specifically is welcome. I'm 
> sure 
> I could do some more work in this area.
> Best,
> Ethan Schoonover

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