Dear Smalltalkers,

gladly I would like to announce the first Beta of SqueakSource3 “Easter Fire”.

To try it, take your favorite Monticello-API and install the Metacello
N.B.: The SqueakSource-Configuration has a dependency on Seaside3,
however, if you happen to not have Seaside installed previously
there will be no adaptor chosen for you. So, it is preferable to
install Seaside3 with the settings you like before installing


"GemStone. N.B.: You probably need an almostOutOfMemory-guard."
Gofer project load: 'SqueakSource' version: #easterFire group: #( 'Full' ).

Installer squeaksource
        project: 'MetacelloRepository'
        install: 'ConfigurationOfSqueakSource'.
((Smalltalk globals at: #ConfigurationOfSqueakSource) project version: 
#easterFire) load.

Gofer new
        squeaksource: MetacelloRepository;
        package: 'ConfigurationOfSqueakSource';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSqueakSource) project version: #easterFire) 


SqueakSource3 is a port of SqueakSource to Seaside 3 and Magritte 2. It
is based on the original SqueakSource by Lukas Renggli, Adrian Lienhard,
and Avi Bryant; moreover recent changes to several SqueakSource-forks
are incorporated, too. Some features like access to diffs in a browser
as done by Bert Freudenberg for have been integrated
into SqueakSource3. 
  SqueakSource3 incorporates a basic issue tracker done by Dale Henrichs.

SqueakSource3 is expected to run on GemStone/GLASS as well as on 
squeakish Smalltalks, ie, Pharo and Squeak. “easter fire” has been
tested on GemStone 2.4.4.x/GLASS 1.0-beta.8 and Squeak4.2 both
with Seaside 3.0.4. Pharo-tests are pending.

The agenda for SqueakSource3 in random order is:
• Have it running on GemStone, esp. GemStone 3 beta
• Provide a cleaner external API (may be REST or XMLRPC)
• Provide a more clear modularization and extension api
  (example: the Issue component by Dale Henrichs)
• Name it…suggestions are welcome.
• Stability.

Philippe Marschal, Dale Henrichs, and Gerhard Obermann have contributed
much to SqueakSource3.

All feedback is appreciated.

So Long,

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