Does the Windows VM depend on QueryPerformanceCounter()?
On 5/1/11 16:53 , Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Strange. I cannot produce this problem on OSX.
On 30 Apr 2011, at 22:15, Jimmie Houchin wrote:
My OS for this application is Windows. On a freshly opened image, the image and
OS time are in sync. Over a period of time the image drifted 34 seconds away
from OS time. I do not know how long I had this image open, but it has been a
number of days, possibly a week plus.
I saved the image and quit. I reopened the image and did DateAndTime now and it
was in sync with the OS once again. Same image, vm and OS that was out of sync
by 34 seconds only one minute before.
I have opened an image on my server which is also running the latest cog vm,
the current Pharo 1.3 and Windows Vista. I am going to periodically do a
DateAndTime now to log the drift if any. Prior to opening this image I updated
the OS system clock with which is about 1000 miles away.
I know that within a second or so it can be subject to my coordination of doing
DateAndTime now while watching my OS system clocks seconds. But 34 seconds is
beyond any subjective standards.
The only reason I discovered this was while exploring how I want to retrieve my
data, act upon my data and then pause (Delay wait) until time to repeat.
dtnow := DateAndTime now.
dtnext := DateAndTime year: 2011 month: 4 day: 30 hour: 11 minute: i second: 5.
"The next minute in the future"
(Delay forDuration: (dtnext - dtnow)) wait.
I got an error, that Duration cannot be a negative number. As I processed the
debugger, I saw that dtnow was greater than dtnext. I watched the OS clock and
manually selected the next minute before I executed. However, I was within that
34 second window.
So now I am exploring the problem.
On 4/30/2011 5:06 PM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
'Time now' gives me the same result than OSX
On 30 Apr 2011, at 16:15, Jimmie Houchin wrote:
On 4/30/2011 11:50 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
I am developing a time sensitive application. I poll a server every minute for
new data. The data is time sensitive and the sooner I can get the data to the
release of the data the better.
I have noticed that Pharo's system time drifts away from the OS system time. I
would really like the Pharo system time to be the correct time.
do you have a repeatable scenario?
Image information.
Pharo 1.3 and the latest Cog.
I have not been able to find where in Pharo I can call to update the System
clock to the correct time.
you can use OSProcess (only mac and linux)
No, that's not the problem. The OS clock is right. It's Pharo that has drifted
away from correct time. Regardless it would be nice if I have to correct the OS
clock, it would still be nice to resync Pharo with the OS, keep both in sync
and correct. What I am wanting is simply to resync the Pharo clock with the OS
It seems that when the Pharo image is started that it gets the OS System time,
but keeps its own time after that. Now I do not know the consequences of Pharo
adjusting its time backward. If this isn't possible, then I might have to do
some workarounds to insure that I get my data in a timely manner.
The image I have been developing in is currently about 30 seconds ahead of the
OS clock. It is on my laptop. It might be due to the laptops sleep and
hibernation. I have not tested this on my server.
That is the situation as best I know it.