On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 10:09 PM, Doug Edmunds <dougedmu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I took the ContactManager code from your Pharocast at
> http://www.pharocasts.com/2011/02/pharo-gui-with-polymorph.html
> and modified it to run with SandstoneDb, using the ideas from
> http://www.pharocasts.com/2010/04/sandstonedb-simple-activerecord-style.html
> Go ahead and use it for a future Pharocast if you want, or figure out
> some place to put it.
> Because Contact is an SDActiveRecord, the database is constructed from
> the SandstoneDb records:
> Contacts class >>database
>        |db|
>        db := Contact findAll asOrderedCollection.
>        ^ db
> and so it is portable, so long as the Contacts records are put in the
> correctly named Pharo subdirectory.
> Opening the ContactListEditor uses an initialization which is supposed
> to avoid the need to close/reopen Pharo after creating the Contacts class.
> Tested on Pharo 1.3 using SandstoneDb-RamonLeon.135.mcz
Thanks a lot Doug.

May be the next step would be to create a ConfigurationOfContactManager :)


> -- Doug Edmunds

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