If subclassed under ComposableMorph instead of MorphicModel,
ExampleBuilderMorph would need only this one method, instead of 157 methods:

!ExampleBuilderMorph methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gvc 3/6/2010
openModal: aSystemWindow
        "Open the given window an available position without modality.
        Answer the system window."
        |baseArea areas searching foundRect|
        aSystemWindow extent: aSystemWindow initialExtent.
        areas := World submorphs
                select: [:m | m isKindOf: DialogWindow]
                thenCollect: [:m | m bounds expandBy: 8].
        baseArea := RealEstateAgent maximumUsableArea insetBy: 8.
        searching := true.
        baseArea allAreasOutsideList: areas do: [:rect |
                searching ifTrue: [
                        aSystemWindow extent <= (rect insetBy: 8) extent
                                ifTrue: [foundRect := rect.
                                                searching := false]]].
        searching ifTrue: [foundRect := baseArea].
        aSystemWindow setWindowColor: self theme windowColor.
        aSystemWindow position: foundRect topLeft + 8.
        aSystemWindow openAsIs.
        ^aSystemWindow! !

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