On 05/20/2011 03:46 PM, Marcus Denker wrote:
> On May 20, 2011, at 3:43 PM, Philippe Marschall wrote:
>> On 05/20/2011 02:52 PM, Janko Mivšek wrote:
>>> On 20. 05. 2011 14:15, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm wondering what is the status of the name spaces project developed 
>>>>>>> last summer as part of GSoC.
>>>>>> nowhere and do not expect it to be in pharo. 
>>>>> Why that? Is it because of the implementation or because you don't want
>>>>> namespaces in Pharo?
>>>> sorry guy I do not have the time for discussing that.
>>> But it is certainly needed to be discussed and it would be nice if at
>>> least a timeframe for this discussion is announced. If not put in a plan
>>> for Pharo  ...
>> Yes, name spaces haven't yet been discussed enough.
> Maybe we can establish a new tradition and have a 100+ discussion about 
> namespaces
> every year. It worked well for Squeak...

Like we already have for why Smalltalk is not more popular. That would
be nice.


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