Esteban & Sven:

I have time to take a look at it towards the end of the day. Please feel free to make the improvements yourself if you want.

Esteban - Did you look for/find any classes in Gemstone that are similar to NetworkSystemSettings or DynamicVariable? I have not.

I'll get back to you later in the day.


On 06/28/2011 09:32 AM, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
I'm trying to load Zinc on gemstone. It more or less loads fine, but there are 
some fixes needed, I'm attaching the problems I found, hoping some benevolent 
soul will integrate to gemstone zinc code :)

This are the problems found:
ZnUrl>>scheme: symbol
        symbol isNil
                ifTrue: [ scheme := nil ]
                ifFalse: [
                        (#(#http #https) includes: symbol) "<== they need to be 
strings (symbols ~= strings in gemstone)"
                                ifTrue: [ scheme := symbol asSymbol ]
                                ifFalse: [ (ZnUnknowScheme scheme: symbol) 
signal ] ]
        "Should a proxy be used ?"
        ^ NetworkSystemSettings useHTTPProxy "<== This class does not exists."
        "Access the current timeout in seconds for SocketStream IO"
        ^ ZnConnectionTimeout value "<== DynamicVariable class (parent of 
ZnConnectionTimeout) does not exists."


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