Yes I was wondering about the same (for athens too :))


On Aug 2, 2011, at 2:16 PM, Igor Stasenko wrote:

> Does it impacts the text rendering/processing speed?
> On 2 August 2011 12:11, Nicolas Cellier
> <> wrote:
>> To complete myself, the fast #collect: already exists and is named
>> #mapValues: except that it modifies the RunArray in place and also
>> won't coalesce...
>> I also gain a huge factor for #collect:as: be defining this method:
>> RunArray>>fillFrom: aCollection with: aBlock
>>        "Evaluate aBlock with each of aCollections's elements as the argument.
>>        Collect the resulting values into self. Answer self."
>>        | newRuns newValues lastLength lastValue |
>>        newRuns := (Array new: aCollection size) writeStream.
>>        newValues := (Array new: aCollection size) writeStream.
>>        lastLength := 0.
>>        lastValue := Object new.
>>        aCollection do: [:each |
>>                | value |
>>                value := aBlock value: each.
>>                lastValue = value
>>                        ifTrue: [lastLength := lastLength + 1]
>>                        ifFalse:
>>                                [lastLength > 0
>>                                        ifTrue:
>>                                                [newRuns nextPut: lastLength.
>>                                                newValues nextPut: lastValue].
>>                                lastLength := 1.
>>                                lastValue := value]].
>>        lastLength > 0
>>                ifTrue:
>>                        [newRuns nextPut: lastLength.
>>                        newValues nextPut: lastValue].
>>        self setRuns: newRuns contents setValues: newValues contents
>> [ (Array new: 1000) collect: [:e | 4 atRandom] as: RunArray] bench.
>> BEFORE: '25.1 per second.'
>> AFTER:  '1,080 per second.'
>> It's worth a few lines of code.
>> Nicolas
>> 2011/8/2 Nicolas Cellier <>:
>>> I played a bit with RunArray, and found some un-optimized features.
>>> First, I don't know why RunArray is an ArrayedCollection. It cannot
>>> #add: but it can #addFirst: and #addLast:.
>>> It cannot #add:withOccurrences: but it can #addLast:times:. Why
>>> inventing new selectors for old behaviours ?
>>> These operations will cost a realloc it the last value is different,
>>> so the underlying runs/values could better be an OrderedCollection if
>>> these operations are used often.
>>> A RunArray cannot remove at all.
>>> Very weird collection species, I don't like the implementation too much.
>>> Then, #do: loops could be far faster. They rely on ArrayedCollection
>>> which inlines do: loops with #to:do: and #at:
>>> But #at: is not that fast. Scanning the runs and counting elements
>>> would result in a n^2 cost.
>>> Fortunately there is a cache lastIndex,lastRun,lastOffset to keep a cost n.
>>> Nonetheless, all the tests cost, and the loop is suboptimal.
>>> Let use see:
>>> version 1:
>>> RunArray>>fastDo: aBlock
>>>        runs with: values do: [:r :v |
>>>                r timesRepeat: [aBlock value: v]].
>>> | tmp |
>>> tmp := ((Array new: 1000) collect: [:e | 4 atRandom]) as: RunArray.
>>> {
>>> [ tmp do: [:e |]] bench.
>>> [ tmp fastDo: [:e |]] bench.
>>> }
>>> #('3,220 per second.' '6,290 per second.')
>>> But timesRepeat: is slow, it is unoptimized by the compiler and costs
>>> a message send.
>>> I think we should implement BlockClosure>>repeat: and optimize that
>>> call in Compiler.
>>> But let's not do it, and rather inline by ourself:
>>> version 2:
>>>        runs with: values do: [:r :v |
>>>                1 to: r do: [:i | aBlock value: v]].
>>> | tmp |
>>> tmp := ((Array new: 1000) collect: [:e | 4 atRandom]) as: RunArray.
>>> {
>>> [ tmp do: [:e |]] bench.
>>> [ tmp do2: [:e |]] bench.
>>> }
>>> #('3,070 per second.' '25,500 per second.')
>>> We can even inline the with:do: loop itself:
>>> version 3:
>>>        1 to: runs size do: [:i |
>>>                | r v |
>>>                v := values at: i.
>>>                r := runs at: i.
>>>                [( r := r - 1) >= 0]
>>>                        whileTrue: [aBlock value: v]].
>>> | tmp |
>>> tmp := ((Array new: 1000) collect: [:e | 4 atRandom]) as: RunArray.
>>> {
>>> [ tmp do: [:e |]] bench.
>>> [ tmp do2: [:e |]] bench.
>>> }
>>> #('3,370 per second.' '32,200 per second.')
>>> Now the operation I wanted to use was reverseDo: so I implemented:
>>> RunArray>>fastReverseDo: aBlock
>>>        | i |
>>>        i := runs size.
>>>        [i > 0]
>>>                whileTrue:
>>>                        [ | r v |
>>>                        v := values at: i.
>>>                        r := runs at: i.
>>>                        i := i - 1.
>>>                        [( r := r - 1) >= 0]
>>>                                whileTrue: [aBlock value: v]].
>>> | tmp |
>>> tmp := ((Array new: 1000) collect: [:e | 4 atRandom]) as: RunArray.
>>> {
>>> [ tmp reverseDo: [:e |]] bench.
>>> [ tmp reverseDo2: [:e |]] bench.
>>> }
>>>  #('83.9 per second.' '32,600 per second.')
>>> Ouch! The cache is missing a lot of indices, and our loop turns into a n^2 
>>> cost.
>>> I know, premature optimization bla bla bla, but a factor x400 is worth
>>> some inlining no?
>>> I guess these features are never used.
>>> By now RunArray is kind of private utility for Text implementation.
>>> But it could / should be generic.
>>> I also have proposals for count: / select: / collect:. etc...
>>> It would be to evaluate the block only once per group of values.
>>> For example
>>> RunArray>>collect: aBlock
>>>        "Beware, the block will be evaluated only once per group of values."
>>>        ^(self class runs: (runs collect: aBlock) contents values: values
>>> copy) coalesce
>>> But that's controversial, it would make the RunArray behave
>>> differently if the block has side effects...
>>> | i tmp tmp2 tmp3 |
>>> tmp := ((Array new: 1000) collect: [:e | 4 atRandom]).
>>> i := 0.
>>> tmp2 := tmp collect: [:e | i := i + 1].
>>> i := 0.
>>> tmp3 := (tmp as: RunArray) collect: [:e | i := i + 1].
>>> tmp2 = tmp3 asArray
>>> ==> false
>>> Nicolas
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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