HI dimitry

I'm slowly working on a clean of the way event are managed in Pharo (double 
dispatch instead of large case statements, use of objects instead of array).
The idea is to be able to support extension like multitouch support, genie use.
So if you are interested we could pair-clean but this is far from your current 
I'm eager to play with Pharo on an android device.


On Aug 19, 2011, at 9:23 AM, Douglas Brebner wrote:

> On 18/08/2011 19:40, Dimitry Golubovsky wrote:
>> I am asking your opinion here (as much of opinion can be had about
>> something only imaginary) - is the latter method worth implementing:
>> would one like to use it if available?
>> Thanks.
> One thing to bear in mind is that both Android and Morphic support 
> multitouch; specifically, Morphic supports multiple simultaneous Hands (in 
> theory, whether the code still works is another matter).
> I believe Bert did a demo of multitouch in Squeak (Etoys) on an iPad

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