
I just finished my two years contract as engineer in the RMoD team with
stephane and I am now looking for a job.
I put below a short cv.
If you are looking for a smalltalk developer, or know someone that is
looking ...., feel free to contact me :)


2009--Present, Research Engineer, INRIA - RMoD team lead by Stephane
Ducasse, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.
Development / Refactoring / Capitalization of the reengineering platform
Moose (http://www.moosetechnology.org/) in the Pharo environment (Smalltalk,
 *User interface.* Improvement of the Moose user interface, implementation
of a library for wizards generation, help for the integration of a new
graphic library in Pharo.
 *Visualizations.* Implementation of several generic visualizations for code
source analysis.
*C analyzer.* Development and tests for C code import in Moose.
Implementation of specific visualizations.
 *Java extractor.* Participation in the development of a new Java extractor
based on eclipse JDT.
*PHP extractor.* Implementation (in java) of a PHP extractor based on
eclipse PDT .
 *Quality model.* Participation to the ANR project Squale (Software quality
assessment). Integration/implementation of the ideas in Moose.
*New Package system for Pharo.* Contribution (Implementation / System
integration / Users update / Tests) to the development of a new Package
system for Pharo.
 *Smalltalk-Java interaction.* Evaluation / Tests of libraries to manipulate
Java objects from Smalltalk image (JNIPort, JavaConnect).
*Meta-modeling. *Improvment and use of the meta-modeling infrastructure used
in Moose (Fame).
 *Analysis reports.* Development of a library for analysis reports
*Web development.* Web interface for Moose (using Seaside). Conception of a
dashboard (Like the one of Sonar).

Skills summary
*Visual Works*, 2 years.
*Pharo*, 2 years.
*Meta-modeling*, 2 years of experience as developer of the meta-described
platform Moose. Use/Development of the meta-modeling infrastructure Fame (
*Software Analysis*, 2 years of experience as developer/user of the software
analysis platform Moose. Actif member of the community, good knowledge of
scientific publications, books. Participation to numerous discussions around
software analysis.
*Software Quality*, Participation with the research team RMoD to the ANR
 project Squale (Software QUALity Enhancement).
*Agile Developpement*, Strong knowledge gained during my studies and my 2,5
years of practice in the RMoD team.
*Dynamic Web Development*, Experience in J2EE, .NET gained during my
studies. Experience with Seaside (Smalltalk, http://www.seaside.st/) during
my 2 years contract in the RMoD team.


2008-2009 Master professional IAGL (Engineering et Architecture of Large
Softwares), University of Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.
2007-2008 Maitrise in computer sciences, University of Lille 1, Villeneuve
d'Ascq, France.
2006-2007 Licence in computer sciences, University of Lille 1, Villeneuve
d'Ascq, France.

Computer skills

Languages: Smalltalk, Java, C/C++, Prolog
Web: Seaside, J2EE, ASP .NET
IDE: Pharo, Eclipse, NetBeans
 OS: Mac OS, Linux, Windows
Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
Tools: LaTeX

French, Fluent, Native language.
English, Intermediate, Read, spoken, written during my contract in the RMoD
team (main language of the team).

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