On 10 October 2011 23:19, John Toohey <j...@parspro.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've had a problem since 1.0 with socket timeouts throwing exceptions
> and invoking the debugger in my headless images. I don't know why a
> socket timeout is considered exceptional, but I've gotten used to
> using VNC to log into the server and close the debuger windows.
> However, I've moved to COG and the latest one-click images, and now
> the error terminates the VM.
> My app is a standard Seaside server, using the streaming connector for
> Comet support.
> I've attached the PharoDebug.log. It would be appreciated if anyone
> could help me with this problem, as I'm at a loss where to even begin.

So, just put an exception handler, and handle this exception in a
manner you want
and then your image will keep working! :)

> Using Pharo1.3 #13298 on Lucid32 (Ubuntu)
> --
> ~JT

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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