Thanks Mariano,

That's pretty much what I want, but... why to expose the visitor interface? ;)
Just to give a little feedback of what I have in my mind:

mySerializer setEngine: ExternalCompressor for: ( MyClass -> #myStringIVar )


mySerializer setEngine: ExternalCompressor for: incomingStream

Now with machines generating daily 6 TBytes of raw data, one of the
keys will be data compression.

2011/10/10 Mariano Martinez Peck <>:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Hernán Morales Durand
> <> wrote:
>> Is there any serializer (Fuel/StOMP/Ma object
>> serialization/BOSS/SRP/SIXX??) which let me attach an external
>> compressor/decompressor for specific Strings to the
>> serialization/deserialization process?
> In Fuel you can do:
> String >> fuelSubstitution
>       ^ ExternalCompressor compress: self     
> String >> fuelAccept: aVisitor
>    ^ (ExternalCompressor shouldCompressString: self)
>    ifTrue: [aVisitor visitSubstitution: self]
>    ifFalse: [super fuelAccept: aVisitor]
> But the problem is that if #compress: answers an instance of String, you
> should be careful that if #shouldCompressString:  asnwers true to the
> compressed string, then you will end up in an infinitive loop.
> See: and
> FLHookedSubstitutionTest
> I think StOMP should support this as well:
> The previous hook you let you replace the original String with its
> compression during serialization. Which make sense because if you are going
> to compress it is better to do it during serialization.
>> With external I mean it could
>> be in a separate binary (I could arrange the binding though).
> I am not sure if I understood.
>> Thanks
>> Hernán
> --
> Mariano

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