Am 2011-11-17 um 19:37 schrieb Alexandre Bergel:

> Hi!
> On, the project description can contains code using the 
> <pre>...</pre> tag, as in:
> <pre>
> Gofer new
>       url: ''; 
>       package: 'ConfigurationOfSpirit';
>       load.
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSpirit) project lastVersion load
> </pre>
> It seems this does not work with
> Has this tag been replaced with something else?

The project description is just sanitized text as you would do with a seaside
        html text: 'foo'.

SSOverview>>renderDescriptionOn: html
        html heading level2; with: 'Project Description'.
        html paragraph: self model information "<---"

SSDirectoryListing>>renderContentOn: html
        html heading level1; with: self title.
        html anchor
                url: self project fullHomepageUrl;
                with: self homepageUrlText.
        html paragraph: [
                html withLineBreaks: self information ]. "<---"
        super renderContentOn: html.
        self renderConfigsOn: html.

What would you suggest?
I am open to suggestions.


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